Vision and Mission


“An Agro-Industrial City in South Cotabato driven by competitive and resilient communities.”

Brief yet concise. This is the Vision set forth by the constituents of the Municipality of Surallah under the current administration. It reflects upon the desire of its citizen in reaching the dream of becoming a prime City in South Cotabato while protecting its agricultural industry.

“Agro-Industrial City” is the kind of city which will define the Municipality. It capitalizes on being declared by the Provincial Government as the Provincial Agro-Industrial Center in the Upper Valley Area.

The “competitive and resilient communities” characterizes the people of Surallah. It is the driving force that will guarantee the sustainable growth and development while maintaining ecological balance including disaster preparedness of the communities against all disasters and risks.

It also shows the competitiveness of its economic sector as well as the kind of infrastructures and facilities that the people wishes to realize in attaining its Cityhood.


“Cultivate effective governance in building peaceful, healthy and empowered communities with diversified economy, quality infrastructure and protected environment.”

The local citizens of Surallah aim to pave its way to become the “Agro-Industrial City in South Cotabato” by having a good governance that will build the foundation of its cityhood.

All strategic development plans are aligned to craft programs, projects and activities that will give birth to the Cityhood of Surallah. A peaceful and orderly will serve as a bedrock of the growth of the Municipality.

Health is a primary concern for all the communities that composes the Municipality. Empowering the citizens is of paramount importance as well in order for the local citizens to be competitive and have a diverse economic structure.

Building “quality infrastructure” and having a “protected environment” is in accord with the Vision of having “resilient communities.” This will allow the local community to strive and prosper even amidst any natural disaster. A protected environment will also secure the welfare of the future generation of Surallah.